Growing Natives Garden Tour 2016

Cherry Avenue Garden (7 photos)

Garden #21, Los Altos


Showcase Features: This garden shows how California natives can enhance and complemement a garden with mature trees. In the front, large magnolia and conifers are underplanted with different low-growing California native shrubs such as creeping coyote brush, low-growing ceanothus, and some grasses. The plants are spaced close, and will completely cover the area in a fairly short time (possibly requiring the removal of some specimens).

Other Garden Attractions: The back garden is a home orchard with fig, pomegranate, persimmon, apple, and other mature fruit trees. It also includes bee hives to help pollinate the trees. Different California native are clustered in groups, giving an almost architectural feeling to the design, and emphasizing the colors. A group of orange-blooming California fuchsia is not far from a group of snowberry with big white berries. California fescue contrasts nicely with sulfur-colored buckwheat and rosy buckwheat. Rows of deer grass complete the design.

Gardening for Wildlife: The garden encourages birds with plant choices and offers shelter and water.

Years of CA Native Gardening at this Location: 1

Garden Size: 20 000 sq ft

Designer: Curtis Horticulture
Installer: Curtis Horticulture

Plant list: In preparation, will be linked later...

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