Growing Natives Garden Tour 2010
El Palo Alto Park (3 photos from 2007)
Garden #9, Palo Alto
Showcase Features: The native vegetation along the historic San Francisquito Creek is gradually being restored by the members of the San Francisquito Watershed Council, with the aim to out compete the invasive exotic plants.
Other Garden Attractions: A rich selection of mature and newly planted riparian plants can be found in the park, that is also home for the 1067 years old heritage El Palo Alto Redwood, after which the city of Palo Alto was named. Native wildflowers mingle with different species of California Wild Lilac, Coffeeberry and Bunch Grasses at the park's entrance and put on a terrific show in spring.
Gardening for Wildlife: This is a wildlife habitat garden. Food, water, shelter and places to raise young are all present. Wild visitors include birds, small mammals, Pacific tree frogs, Western toads, snakes and bees.
Years of CA Native Gardening at this Location: 11
Garden Size: 5000 sq ft
Click here to download the plant list in PDF format (from year 2007).
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