Growing Natives Garden Tour 2011
Nevada Avenue Garden (4 photos from 2009)
Garden #57, San Jose
Showcase Features: This professionally-designed large front yard garden features several mature redwood trees with a meandering dry creek bed.
Other Garden Attractions: This redwood understory has been planted with a variety of plants, including redwood sorrel, columbine, and a small meadow. Moving into the sunnier areas you will find ceanothus, coyote brush, pitcher sage, and Oregon grape. A dry creek planted with rushes meanders through. Near the front door and side fence line are alum root, monkeyflowers, Douglas iris, ninebark, and pink-flowering currant. A sunny corner at the back showcases California fuchsia, western redbud, and matilija poppy.
Gardening for Wildlife: Hummingbirds, woodpeckers, mourning doves, chickadees, songbirds, geckos, and squirrels find food, water, and shelter here.
Years of CA Native Gardening at this Location: 4
Garden Size: 3500 sq ft
Designer: Alrie Middlebrook, Middlebrook Gardens
Installer: Middlebrook Gardens
Plant list: In preparation, will be linked later...
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