Growing Natives Garden Tour 2010
Ninth Street Garden (4 photos from 2009)
Garden #41, San Jose
Showcase Features: This lovely back-yard retreat features many sustainable elements while giving a charming sanctuary feel to this small urban space.
Other Garden Attractions: A flagstone path meanders through the garden, over a dry creek, past a small dune sedge meadow dotted with rushes, to a lovely pot fountain at the back. Shrubs along the fence-line include toyon, wax myrtle, chaparral currant, and bush anemone. A sunny area along the driveway is populated with a large bush sunflower, California fuchsia, buckwheats, ceanothus, California wild rose, Cleveland sage, Cedros Island verbena, penstemons, and monkeyflowers. The fence along the driveway is planted with California grape, and a Catalina ironwood is tucked into the corner of the drive near the garage at the back. Sustainable features in this garden include a Trex deck, downspouts directed into the dry creek, and a pervious driveway of alternativing gravel and pavers.
Gardening for Wildlife: Hummingbirds, bush tits, mockingbirds, robins, finches, doves, phoebes, cedar waxwings, honeybees, bumblebees, butterflies, ladybugs, and possum visit the garden, which provides food, water, and shelter.
Years of CA Native Gardening at this Location: 4
Garden Size: 1560 sq ft
Designer: Alrie Middlebrook, Middlebrook Gardens
Installer: Middlebrook Gardens
Click here to download the plant list in PDF format (from year 2009).
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