Growing Natives Garden Tour 2015
Silver Creek Valley California Nativescape (11 photos)
Garden #58, San Jose
Showcase Features: The landscape on this large suburban lot was converted in the summer of 2014 to low-water usage, using mostly CA native plants (previously installed mature existing trees were retained). The front became a home to numerous buckwheats, clumps of deergrass and fescue, and groundcover manzanitas planted on a low berm. The berm also features two larger "Louis Edmunds" and "Warren Roberts" manzanita specimens and wooly blue curls as focal points. There are several toyons farther away from the street. The back of the house provides shade for many alumroots and irises. Several bush anemones are happy in the part shade under the trees . In the sunny part of the backyard, low-growing ceanothus, dwarf coffeeberries, buckwheats, california fuchsias, and deergrass provide an unobstructed view of the hills to the east.
Other Garden Attractions: The backyard demonstrates a harmonious coexistence of outdoor entertaining features, including a small putting green, with wildlife-friendly landscape; the plants are attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies, and numerous rock features provide shelter for the abundant lizards. Additional photos, including the pre-conversion appearance, can be found on the California Nativescapes portfolio page.
☺ Garden Talk: 1:00 PM - Designing with California Natives
Years of CA Native Gardening at this Location: 1
Garden Size: over 1/2 acre
Designer: Rebecca Schoenenberger, California Nativescapes
Installer: Rebecca Schoenenberger, California Nativescapes
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