Growing Natives Garden Tour 2010

Norman Avenue Garden (4 photos)

Garden #46, San Jose


Showcase Features: This is a professionally designed front yard featuring elegant swaths of California buckwheat, Yankee Point ceanothus, and Howard McMinn manzanita, accented by Saint Catherine's lace buckwheat, pitcher sage, deer grass and dudleyas.

Other Garden Attractions: A striking, mature specimen of toyon, accompanied by sulfur, California and rosy buckwheats, tansy leaved phacelia, and Douglas iris, graces a mound next to the driveway.

Gardening for Wildlife: The garden invites many species of birds, bees and other insects and arboreal salamander.

Years of CA Native Gardening at this Location: 1

Garden Size: 3350 sq ft

Designer: Sherri Osaka, Sustainable Landscape Designs
Installer: Earth Care Landscaping

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