Growing Natives Garden Tour 2016

Mosher Garden (17 photos from 2015)

Garden #67, San Jose


Showcase Features: Native plants are truly treasured and showcased throughout this delightful garden. The homeowner is a talented container gardener who fills most of her pots with natives as well, and she in an avid collector of colorful garden art.

Other Garden Attractions: The original deer grass meadow in the front garden was recently updated with a new fence, a meandering step stone pathway, field stone boulders, and new plantings of Valley Violet ceanothus, Shasta Sulfur buckweat, CA poppies, blue-eyed grass, and Tomales Bay fescue. Older planting include coyote mint, CA fuchsia, and Canyon Prince wild rye. Oregon grape, a mature specimen of Island tree ceanothus, indian mallow, and a Louis Edmunds manzanita highlight the decomposed granite patio that is also dotted with several potted natives. The large back yard has extensive plantings of native trees: CA buckeye, blue elderberry, valley oak, western redbud, Ray Hartman ceanothus, shrubs: mountain mahogany, hollyleaf cherry, coffeeberry, upright coyote brush, pink flowering and evergreen currant, vines: hairy honeysuckle and Western virgin's bower, perennials: CA goldenrod, douglas iris, CA fuchsia, yarrow, hummingbird sage, purple needlegrass, blue-eyed grass, and a large number of natives in containers as well.

Gardening for Wildlife: This is a wildlife habitat garden. Food, shelter, places to raise young, and water are available, though the sweet family cat (with regular outdoor privileges) may cause a challenge.

Plants Available: On tour day, Almaden Valley Nursery will conduct a plant sale at this garden. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Going Native Garden Tour. A representative from Suncrest Nurseries, Inc. (wholesale nursery in Watsonville) will be present at this garden.

Years of CA Native Gardening at this Location: 5

Garden Size: 4,500 sq. ft

Designer: Front yard: original work by Middlebrook Gardens, and more recent work by Agi Kehoe Landscaping. Back yard: Agi Kehoe Landscaping
Installer: Front yard: Middlebrook Gardens and Benz Landscaping and Tree Care. Back yard: Benz Landscaping and Tree Care

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