Growing Natives Garden Tour 2010
Todd Street Garden (6 photos from 2008)
Garden #21, Mountain View
Showcase Features: This lovely front yard in full sun showcases many different sages that include bee's bliss, Cleveland sage, white sage, and hummingbird sage.
Other Garden Attractions: Toyon, sugarbush, mallow, matillija poppy, golden aster, deer grass, yarrow, bush lupine, wooly blue curls, monkeyflowers, and large and small buckwheats add to the richness of this garden. This established garden receives low, drip irrigation during the dry months. The owners take pride in maintaining this garden.
Gardening for Wildlife: Hummingbirds, native bees, butterflies, mourning doves, and other birds visit this garden.
Years of CA Native Gardening at this Location: 10
Garden Size: 1200 sq ft
Designer: Annaloy Nickum
Installer: Earthcare Landscaping
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